Confused by the multitude of options and tools for advertising your book on Amazon?
Amazon's AI driven advertising platform is a sophisticated and a very effective solution for reaching a large Global customer base in a timely and cost effective manner. If you know how to use it!
It takes many hours and multiple campaign variations to provide the depth of data and analytics needed to ensure you can sell profitably.
Or if you are a non-fiction writer, with slightly different tactics we can reach your perfect audience and gain the brand exposure you need.
We make timely adjustments and modifications of the campaigns' parameters (optimisation) to ensure the campaigns are always delivering effectively in each territory- no matter you goals.
We take the time to ensure you are always showing to potential customers "of interest" and that they are compelled to buy with the most effective ad copy for the type of customer.
Had a good few months of sales at launch, but now sales are slowing?
Many Authors tell of an initial rush of sales when they first go on Amazon and then watch a steady decline in sales, sales rank and earnings.
Just raising bids, if you are running your own campaigns is not the answer as this eats into your profitability. Ongoing light touch adjustments and tweaks utilising the rich data Amazon provides makes sure your ad campaigns are delivering on your goals.
We take the hard work out for you on an initial 3x month set-up, launch and optimisation program with ongoing support as you need it.
Get in touch below for a free 1-2-1 consultation on our capabilities and your needs.
Author Sales is a UK Ltd company, run by Mark James a digital sales specialist with over 25 years online advertising experience from the very first websites on the internet, to state of the art TV and media advertising solutions using behavioural, dynamic data analysis and AI.
Many clients have gone from zero to hundreds in book sales - once correctly set-up, analysed and properly scaled-up to take advantage of Amazon's huge global reach.
We focus on keeping your costs down and your profit up for every title you publish - for paperback, hardback and ebooks in Fiction and Non fiction. Check out Marks Linked In profile to see his full work history and connect via Linked In.
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